ARAMIS for Education

Complete Materials and Components Testing Package for Teaching and Training
“ARAMIS for Education” is a complete package for theoretical and practical teaching at vocational schools, higher education institutions and universities. The educational package from GOM includes industrial hardware and software for 3D scanning and inspection applications as well as ready-to-use laboratory tests and lecture material with detailed background information. Moreover, GOM provides an efficient digital image correlation software for students, practical training for trainers and professional support provided by experienced engineers.
Industrial hardware
Digital image correlation software – GOM Correlate
GOM Correlate is a free software for digital image correlation (DIC) and 3D motion analyses. It offers comprehensive analysis possibilities for materials research and 3D testing. Software users have access to manuals and video tutorials that explain the software step by step.

Laboratory tests and lecture material
Introduction into materials and components testing based on fully elaborated laboratory tests for practical training (measuring object included). In addition to laboratory tests, the package provides relevant lecture material with background information.

3D component testing, point-based measurement
This exercise focuses on component testing. Instead of transducers, reference markers are used to determine the 3D deformation of a component under load. Furthermore, the exercise serves for scrutinizing the understanding of engineering mechanics and for analyzing the behavior of a measured component.
3D component testing, surface-based measurement
Strain analyses that are often carried out with strain gauges for endurance tests or for comparing simulation models (FEM) can be practiced in laboratory tests in the form of a surface-based component test on 3D surfaces. In this context, a complex plastic component is analyzed under load and critical strain areas are determined.
Specialist fields and subjects of study

GOM’s optical measuring systems are increasingly integrated in curricula at universities and higher education institutions. The “ARAMIS for Education” package is used in various specialist fields and subjects of study, for instance:
- Material sciences / materials testing
- Mechanical engineering / automotive engineering / mechatronics:
Practical understanding of engineering mechanics - FEM / comparison of FEM analyses and validation of simulations
In these specialist fields, ARAMIS has proven to be a reliable and efficient system for materials and components testing.

ATOS for Education
GOM’s “ARAMIS for Education” package can be easily extended for 3D scanning and inspection tasks.
Using the same hardware, all it takes is an additional scanning and inspection software and another training object to carry out 3D scanning and inspection tasks in addition to the material and component applications.
The “ATOS for Education” package also includes complete laboratory tests and lecture material as well as detailed video tutorials to enhance learning.
Education Starter Package
With its “Education Starter Package”, GOM offers a free introduction into the world of optical metrology for schools, higher education institutions and universities.
The package contains lecture material with detailed background information as well as the GOM Correlate software for digital image correlation including ready-to-use sample data sets for analyses. In addition, a poster on digital image correlation and additional information material such as brochures and flyers are enclosed.
To order your free Education Starter Package, please fill in the following form:
Education Starter Package Order.