ATOS Capsule – GOM

ATOS Capsule – GOM新型高精光学测量仪

ATOS Capsule using fringe projection technology, good at the high precision measurement of detail, can be used for medical components, such as gear, turbine, leaves and prototype sample inspection, etc.ATOS Capsule based on GOM technology, further expanded the ATOS three-dimensional scanner series.

ATOS Capsule shell design originality, even in the industrial environment, through its stable mechanism, to ensure the application of automation technology in the process of stable and consistent, and ensure the measurement accuracy.At the same time also to prevent dust and debris on the casing has a harmful effect on the optical and electronic components.

When the ATOS Capsule with standardized measuring equipment ATOS ScanBox Integration is used, its application is fully automated.Combination of photogrammetric measurement head ATOS Plus, higher precision are available, and measure more parts or measure multiple parts at the same time.

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