Sheet metal forming

创新变革先进技术 无需真实固定夹具 自然放置状态下模拟计算出虚拟夹紧的3D测量自动化解决方案 省心、省时、省力,大大降低成本 精智锐柔性工装Smart Fixture   传统工装的缺点和劣势: 成本高:设计、生产、校准和存储等环节均需投入大量资金。 修改成本高:一旦数模或夹紧点发生变化,需要重新设计和制造夹具。 测量成本高:测量时需要频繁调整夹紧点,增加了测量时间和难度。 精度有限:不完美的支撑点往往导致测量误差。 重复性有限:人为因素和夹紧顺序的差异会影响测量结果。 测量受限:扫描头可能因夹具的遮挡而无法进行全面测量。 制作周期长:每款新制夹具生产时间长。 精智锐柔性工装Smart Fixture自动化3D检测系统 结合蔡司三维光学测量技术+精智锐柔性机械人 搭载数据分析软件和物联网(loT) 实现自动化全方位扫描 以虚拟计算代替物理夹具 实现多品类钣金工件通用测量 精智锐柔性工装Smart Fixture的优势: 成本低:代替传统测量检具,夹具通用。 修改效率高:无需修改数模。 测量效率高:测量时不需要调整夹紧点,灵活通用。 精度高:支撑点是一个点,精度更高。 可重复使用:柔性通用夹具,无人为影响。 测量不受限:扫描头视野好。 周期短:无需新制夹具,仅需调试时间。 测量原理示意图 宏领智能装备(东莞)有限公司是宝力机械集团全资子公司,致力于为制造企业提供专业、全面的自动化解决方案。精智锐是宏领智能装备(东莞)有限公司自主研发品牌,结合先进的蔡司三维光学测量技术和虚拟装夹先进技术FEM算法,精智锐柔性工装Smart Fixture引领3D测量革命性创新,工业生产制造中各种钣金工件都能通用测量。未来,随着智能制造的不断发展,Smart Fixture将成为更多企业提质增效的检测利器,助力制造业质量控制迈向更加智能化、高效化的新时代。

「新产品发布」精智锐柔性工装Smart Fixture,引领3D检测新变革

Automated Quality Control Industrial production processes require automated measuring cells for higher throughput (more parts in less time, better planning) and higher repeatability (process safety). As a one-source provider for industrial measuring sensors and parametric inspection software GOM´s automation team opens the way to a uniform and centralized part inspection management with parametric and traceable inspection workflows. Virtual Measuring Room Planning an efficient measuring cell is the key to comprehensive inspection. GOM’s Virtual Measuring Room supports the planning of measuring […]

Automated Quality Control

Sheet Metal Parts Inspection of Sheet Metal Parts The ATOS optical digitizing system is an established system in the inspection of sheet metal parts. GOM has developed special algorithms that are used to measure entire surfaces as well as sharp-edged features with subpixel accuracy. In combination with the GOM Inspect Professional Software package, ATOS is the perfect solution for verification and quality control on sheet metal parts. Typical applications include: Flexible Alignment Strategies (RPS, best-fit, etc.) Full Surface Verification Hole […]

Sheet Metal Parts

Tool Maintenance Repair and maintenance of tools and dies represent a major cost factor in the manufacture of parts. Optical measuring systems from GOM can be used to quickly locate and repair a broken die, or to proactively check for die wear and extend tool life. Data Backup for Broken Dies Fast digitizing of an approved tool ensures that any manual changes made during tool try-out can be archived reliably. ATOS STL polygon meshes serve as the perfect database for […]

Tool Maintenance

FEA – Simulation Verification Numerical simulation methods are used to design and optimize new products and production processes. Material parameters and component deformation behavior have a significant influence on the accuracy of simulation calculations and their reliability. GOM’s optical measuring systems provide full-field information on material characteristics, 3D surface geometry and the forming behavior of sheet metal parts. These are valuable input parameters for simulation processes. In addition, ARAMIS and ARGUS are used to validate numerical simulations by calculating the […]

FEA – Simulation Verification

Tool Try-Out Faster Tool Try-Out through Forming Optimization During try-out of sheet metal forming tools, the complex interaction between material, tool and press machine needs to be mastered as quickly as possible. GOM’s optical metrology systems enable fast inspection of the shape and dimensions of sheet metal parts. In addition, the GOM ARGUS system for forming analysis detects material defects that occur during the forming process even before they are visible to the human eye. Objective root cause analysis significantly […]

Tool Try-Out

Tool Manufacture Die Design / Forming Simulation Stamping simulation software is used to test the forming process to ensure that complex metal forming problems can be identified as early as possible during tool development. The outcome of the forming process and part formability must be simulated with realistic values to guarantee that a perfect 3D-Die-Layout is developed during tool design. If input parameters such as material characteristic values are inaccurate, the simulation will produce poor forming tools. GOM systems deliver […]

Tool Manufacture

Material Properties – FLC Determination of Material Properties Simulation technology is used to calculate and optimize the design and shape of a product, along with the tools and forming process required for its manufacture, long before production actually starts. It is therefore essential to have information about the characteristics of the specific sheet metal used when designing a new product and manufacturing individual sheet metal parts. Knowledge of the material properties makes it possible to reliably compare product variants and […]

Material Properties – FLC